First, a personal reflection . . . When Timothy Keller passed away on the 19th May, 2023, tributes poured in from not only the Christian world, but from CNN, the New York Times, and former U.S. Presidents. The world lost someone special. My own church knows this well—they have heard me quote from Keller time and time...Read More
I am reading a book by Dr Graeme McLean called Ethical Basics for the Caring Professions in which he devotes a chapter to the fact that there are different moral beliefs and attitudes across different groups of people and cultures. What are we to make of this? Is morality therefore relative? This question and Graeme’s treatment of...Read More
With the latest census data indicating that the number of Australians who identity as Christian has plummeted to an all-time low (from 61% in 2011 to 44% in 2021), the church is asking questions of itself and its place in the broader, and increasingly, secular community. This conversation, however, feels somewhat anxious – emerging from a sense...Read More
Richard Dawkins, a proponent of the so-called New Atheism movement, once said of the resurrection of Jesus: It is fundamentally incompatible with the sophisticated scientist . . . it’s so petty, it’s so trivial, it’s so local, it’s so earth-bound, it’s so unworthy of our universe.[1] But is such cynicism justifiable? The Christian Gospels (Matthew,...Read More
An interesting read and will be most interesting to follow Scott.