Rev'd Scott Goode

is an ordained minister who pastors an Anglican church in regional New South Wales, Australia. He is the author of Salvific Intentionality in 1 Corinthians: How Paul Cultivates the Missional Imagination of the Corinthian Community, and has ongoing research interests in New Testament marriage theology.


  • Paul Barnett
    lecturer emeritus, Moore Theological College

    “Scott Goode has effectively combined the fruits of first-class research (primary and secondary) with warm pastoral experience. His detailed analysis of the text of 1 Corinthians and his engagement with a breadth of scholarship has issued in a text that is astonishing in its insights and practical applicability. A must-read for pastors and pastoral educators.”

  • Michael J. Gorman
    professor of biblical studies and theology, St. Mary's Seminary & University

    “In this carefully researched book, Scott Goode convincingly demonstrates that Paul thought ordinary believers could, and should, be agents of God’s saving work in their relationships with outsiders, insiders, and those on the fence. In their particular contexts, they are to imitate Paul and, ultimately, Christ himself. Salvific Intentionality in 1 Corinthians is a highly important contribution to both Pauline studies and contemporary church life.”

  • Lynn Cohick
    distinguished professor of New Testament, Houston Christian University

    “Scott Goode’s fresh look at 1 Corinthians offers new insights into the ‘untidy’ social and familial worlds inhabited by Paul’s congregations. Salvific Intentionality in 1 Corinthians presents a convincing case that, in a complex world of insiders/outsiders, believers should adopt a missional posture emphasizing salvific possibilities. Pastors and teachers will benefit from Goode’s emphasis on churches today imagining themselves as missional communities.”

  • David J. Neville
    lecturer in New Testament studies, St Mark's National Theological Centre

    “This book makes an original contribution to the interpretation of 1 Corinthians. It composes a creative, cogent, and compelling case for Scott Goode’s conviction that, in various ways and by various means, Paul cultivated the ‘missional imagination’ of Corinthian Christ-followers.”

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